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Presenting a new way to respond to the climate crisis…

Becoming the Landscape

A four-month archetypal journey of deep listening
to reawaken your innate creaturehood
& ignite your creative impulse to serve the world

A four-month archetypal journey of deep listening to reawaken your innate creaturehood & ignite your creative impulse to serve the world

A Journey of Archetypes...

Becoming the Landscape is a mentorship program organized around six archetypes that trace the soul‘s development as a human child of earth.

Travel through the Explorer, the Rebel, the Warrior, the Lover, the Everyperson, & the Saint and discover the wisdom that each of their creature counterparts give to the human family.

...through Deep Listening

A sequence of deep listening practices provides the spiritual grounding of Becoming the Landscape & opens your perception to the planetary consciousness that permeates every being on earth.

Enhance your relationship with your ecosystem, reintroduce yourself to your creature body, and create a more intimate relationship with your intuition far beyond the level of individualist meaning-making.

With everything that's happening on the planet right now,

What would it feel like

to look at the course of your life & see its genius in preparing you for this moment on earth?

So many of us have been planning for a very different future than the one we’re going to be living. Do you feel caught in the trajectory of your life? Struggling to see how you can respond to the climate crisis in meaningful ways?

The good news is that underneath your career, education, & social status, live your natural-born values, curiosities, vulnerabilities, and creative genius.

Becoming the Landscape is designed to put you back in touch with the source material of your life in ways that make sense, both for who you’ve become & for who you’re becoming. Never forget: you are the earth expressing herself.

who is this for?

Calling in all lion-hearted cultural innovators, changemakers, systems alchemists, & community organizers who are ready to embody their love for earth & to dedicate their work in the world to the benefit of all beings.

Your circle of friends cuts across social classes & cultural backgrounds. You serve as a bridge between the communities you touch.

You’re moving from an era of self-development towards an era of cultural (r)evolution. You want to learn how to draw your confidence & sovereignty from the planet instead of society.

You’ve grown tired of inaction (or disregulated action) in the face of chaos & uncertain futures and are seeking to:

  • invest in sustainable mindsets & heartsets
  • walk in clearer integrity with the earth
  • and become a better, more compassionate leader, nurturing your community’s cultural & spiritual preparedness for ongoing ecological transformation.
Talking with heather feels like if you had a philosopher / physicist / alchemist / professor / oracle but as a best friend who's right there alongside you to crack jokes & drop irreverent pop culture references.

what's inside?

Take a deeper look into the frameworks that give shape to this program.

The 6 Stages of Becoming the Landscape

BTL Slide 1

1: Recover the Root

Untangle the storylines that define your reality, and move away from feeling trapped by your experience

Nurture an energy of exploration for how you’ve become you

Learn to listen to story & elements

BTL Slide 2

2: Rebel With a Cause

Feel into your values at the psychological, emotional, & elemental level

Draw on biomimicry to understand how the earth expresses its values & boundaries

Learn to listen to frequencies, become the shape of silence

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3: Master Sacred Hunger

Reframe your hunger to change the world as a sacred form of worship

Heal your restlessness by integrating the experiences you’ve already lived

Learn to listen for your body's pre-sensing capacities

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4: Befriend Your True Nature

Initiate practices of radical honesty & compassionate inquiry to develop intimacy with yourself

Learn to articulate your authentic desires

Listen for what’s heartfelt & wild within

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5: Belong Yourself Home

Shift your identity from the individual towards the group, archetypal, & planetary

Study the dance between being & becoming

Learn to vocalize your deep listening

BTL Slide 6

6: Awaken Service as Sacrament

Design daily practices to process collective psychic material

Trace the lines of your accountability to the earth through your life’s map

Transform your deep listening into action

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Mapping Our Lives

During our time together, you’ll create a life map that tracks your archetypal inquiries & relationships to the land. We often think of our lives as existing in linear time. This project seeks to disrupt that logic, and reveal the fractal of your incarnation here on earth.

Trace the lines of accountability you have with the earth. Reveal the natural flow of your life’s cycles.

The map had me so hyped 🗺️

I found the entire process very powerful.

I could see patterns emerge, nuances take shape. I could identify tender memories reflected back to me, showing me how much I’ve grown. I could see all the things I love about myself & feel proud of.

There was a deep satisfaction in putting my creativity to work, and even more so once it was ready to show off to others 🌞

I love our conversations. I feel invigorated, and my awareness expanded, always learning and discovering things that excite me. heather is one of the most inquisitive and knowledgeable people I know.

...and along the way


We’ll create a framework for exploring the landscapes you love; through your body and in the world as it exists today. What are the origin myths of these landscapes? What do they feel like?


As we work through the archetypes, we’ll look for their analogues in the creature world and use our human capacity for imitation as an entry point into reawakening our creaturehood.


We learn how to interface with others while staying true to our values and vision. We build resilience in our nervous system & expand our emotional intelligence in order to navigate our increasingly turbulent societal landscape.


One of the unique features of this program is that you are asked to break the bubble of our container and share your experience with confidants in your immediate (& local) circle. What you discover in Becoming the Landscape will have so much more of an opportunity to take root in your real world if you’ve planted these seeds along the way.

I love our conversations. I feel invigorated, and my awareness expanded, always learning and discovering things that excite me. heather is one of the most inquisitive and knowledgeable people I know.

ready to jump into the deep end?

The Good Stuff

Here are the material specifics of what you get:

Video Calls

We meet twice a month over video 

  • Diving into archetypes to look at how each plays out in your life
  • Exploring how your true nature seeks expression
  • Learning new listening practices to develop your intuitive ear
  • In the fourth month, we’ll take all of the discoveries from the initial three months and transform them into action!
  • Each call is 75-100 minutes depending on where the conversation leads us


A custom Notion workspace is our virtual home base where we store:

  • Journal questions based on each session
  • Our archive of listening exercises
  • Map making instructions
  • A resource bank that grows with you on your journey
  • Co-creative rituals to connect creaturehood with listening & archetypes
  • Explorations on landscapes


We keep in touch between sessions with Voxer

  • I’m most responsive during my weekday waking hours, but reach out any time!
  • I do my best to respond within 24 hours

the exchange

The cost of the program is fluid because life is fluid and many of us experience abundance in flux. We’ll discuss it & land on a rate that feels good for both of us, but for those who appreciate transparency (like me!), you can expect to invest around €4200 ($4400).

Any questions? Wanna hear more? Wanna get started already? 😁 Book an intro call & let’s talk it out!

Any questions? Wanna hear more? Wanna get started already? 😁 Sign up for the waitlist & let’s talk it out!
heather love profile photo

Hi! 👋🏽
I'm heather love

I want to live in a culture that loves the earth as much as I do.

I created Becoming the Landscape for all of us for whom the human world has stopped making sense. I love teaching others what I’ve learned about feeling into the earth with respect and gratitude, and I want to contribute to the cultural movement that knows our spiritual liberation is bound up in hers.

For years, I felt angry and frustrated at the world around me. Wondering why no one else was freaking out about how far gone our culture has come from anything that’s attuned to the earth. Wondering why no one else seemed as horrified as me at how cruel these social systems are to all earthbeings.

I made a few serious attempts at meaning making in the traditional paths available to me—like international development & grad school—but the more I sought out ways to sublimate my discontent, the more I got sent back into myself. To slow down the speed of my desperate mind, to question its conclusions, and to soften my heart.

What’s followed has been over a decade of learning to articulate the truth that my body senses & developing a language to communicate that beyond my interior walls.

I’m so glad you’re here to join me for the journey onward! You can read more about my story in music & culture, brains & creatures, by clicking below.


One of the seminal experiences of my life was serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mali. Living in a small, rural village for two years without running water or electricity confirmed for me so many of my suspicions from childhood. Specifically, that participating in a healthy society is deeply fulfilling, that paying attention to the earth is immediately satisfying, and that living with less is a relief. The hell of malnutrition and encroaching desertification is very real. But the joy of each other’s company is somehow more real.

My graduate research in ethnomusicology at UC Berkeley centered on connecting emerging neuroscientific research with studies on how communal music making is used to create & maintain social cohesion—especially in the face of individual & collective upheaval. I wasn’t so much hoping to discover something new, as I was trying to prove to the keepers of this society what I intuitively knew about the importance of music & sound, and how our atrophied or numbed-out sensitivities to vibration is a major contributing factor to the deterioration of modern society.

These two experiences (among so many others) have given me much to consider about the systems in which we work, and how restrictive and oppressive they are to one’s true nature.

I started asking less of the world and returned to what I love: Listening. Wandering. Music making. Savoring my creaturehood. The exile I’d felt in human society began to soften as I returned to a more holistic existence within my ecosystem.

As I found my voice—the one without the anger—I began using it to speak out about the kind of world I want to live in. Through community organizing & advocacy work, I found that many others had been feeling the same but were lacking the words and cultural practices to articulate those feelings. How do we invent those words? How do we create the culture we all want but can’t see? All of this, of course, heightened by the emerging evidence that the climate was about to spiral out of control.

One pandemic later, and here we are 😃

I currently live in the South of France where I listen to magpies and Mistrals, work as a mentor for changemakers (like you!), write pretty love songs to the earth, serve on the faculty for Svaram’s Integral Sound Healing Program, and advocate for the integrative support of climate refugees.

The challenges we face are enormous, it’s true. But we have each other, and we’re not so far away from earth that we won’t be able to feel our way back home. I can’t wait to meet you and learn all about the earthly gifts you’re bringing into the world!

I love you, keep going 🌱

Read more


This program is for you if:

  • You are full of heart & full of questions
  • You know there’s a simpler way to engage with a world in chaos
  • You create culture & want to reduce harm by orienting your work in healthy, regenerative practices
  • You tend/hold/manage space for others & want to better understand how to ground your work as someone who maintains, or innovates culture in something that’s real & lasting

Becoming the Landscape is a 4-month program which includes 8-program sessions, and ends with a final integration & celebration session.

I am typically available for sessions M-F between the hours of 11am-9pm CET, with some weekend hours reserved by special request; find your time zone here.

We’ll discuss the cost of the program and come to an agreement that feels good for both of us during our initial intro call, but approximately €4200 ($4400).

Unfortunately, I don’t offer refunds at this time. All financial agreements are considered final at the time of payment.