you are mother earth
Spiritual strategy for an earth on fire
Becoming the Landscape
A four-month archetypal journey of deep listening to reawaken your innate creaturehood & ignite your creative impulse to serve the world
the planet is waking us up,
& in turn, we are the planet awakening
Planetary heart, planetary mind, planetary intelligence is emerging through our bodies. We settle into our bones, we integrate our storylines, and we develop the gifts we have to offer the becoming earth. In time we understand that while we individually heal, retrieve, and bloom, our participation in this process is the awakening of the planet’s intelligence.
we birth new worlds
by imagining how they feel.
We listen to the earth, we listen to our bodies; we return to the truth of our experience before the rush of interpretation and evaluation. The feeling comes before the story. Can we suspend our projections long enough to develop new senses and perceptions? The art of for-getting and the art of for-giving are the steps we master in this dance between birth & death—between creation & release.
heaven is paying attention,
not needing to know.
We expand into bigger & bigger questions. During our life on earth, we think we’re on the path of knowing and discover with every passing season, that we haven’t got a clue. Who are we when we release ourselves from the tyranny of identification? Where do we end and others begin? What if we celebrated our responsibility to each other? What if the freedom that comes with honesty brought us closer together?
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Hi! 👋🏽
I'm heather love
I want to live in a culture that loves the earth as much as I do.
I created Becoming the Landscape for all of us for whom the human world has stopped making sense. I love teaching others what I’ve learned about feeling into the earth with respect and gratitude, and I want to contribute to the cultural movement that knows our spiritual liberation is bound up in hers.
For years, I felt angry and frustrated at the world around me. Wondering why no one else was freaking out about how far gone our culture has come from anything that’s attuned to the earth. Wondering why no one else seemed as horrified as me at how cruel these social systems are to all earthbeings.
I made a few serious attempts at meaning making in the traditional paths available to me—like international development & grad school—but the more I sought out ways to sublimate my discontent, the more I got sent back into myself. To slow down the speed of my desperate mind, to question its conclusions, and to soften my heart.
What’s followed has been over a decade of learning to articulate the truth that my body senses & developing a language to communicate that beyond my interior walls.
I’m so glad you’re here to join me for the journey onward! You can read more about my story in music & culture, brains & creatures, by clicking below.
One of the seminal experiences of my life was serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mali. Living in a small, rural village for two years without running water or electricity confirmed for me so many of my suspicions from childhood. Specifically, that participating in a healthy society is deeply fulfilling, that paying attention to the earth is immediately satisfying, and that living with less is a relief. The hell of malnutrition and encroaching desertification is very real. But the joy of each other’s company is somehow more real.
My graduate research in ethnomusicology at UC Berkeley centered on connecting emerging neuroscientific research with studies on how communal music making is used to create & maintain social cohesion—especially in the face of individual & collective upheaval. I wasn’t so much hoping to discover something new, as I was trying to prove to the keepers of this society what I intuitively knew about the importance of music & sound, and how our atrophied or numbed-out sensitivities to vibration is a major contributing factor to the deterioration of modern society.
These two experiences (among so many others) have given me much to consider about the systems in which we work, and how restrictive and oppressive they are to one’s true nature.
I started asking less of the world and returned to what I love: Listening. Wandering. Music making. Savoring my creaturehood. The exile I’d felt in human society began to soften as I returned to a more holistic existence within my ecosystem.
As I found my voice—the one without the anger—I began using it to speak out about the kind of world I want to live in. Through community organizing & advocacy work, I found that many others had been feeling the same but were lacking the words and cultural practices to articulate those feelings. How do we invent those words? How do we create the culture we all want but can’t see? All of this, of course, heightened by the emerging evidence that the climate was about to spiral out of control.
One pandemic later, and here we are 😃
I currently live in the South of France where I listen to magpies and Mistrals, work as a mentor for changemakers (like you!), write pretty love songs to the earth, serve on the faculty for Svaram’s Integral Sound Healing Program, and advocate for the integrative support of climate refugees.
The challenges we face are enormous, it’s true. But we have each other, and we’re not so far away from earth that we won’t be able to feel our way back home. I can’t wait to meet you and learn all about the earthly gifts you’re bringing into the world!
I love you, keep going 🌱