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winter solstice prayers

Thank you to all who contributed! Submissions are now closed. Follow me on Instagram & TikTok to hear the results, and sign-up for my newsletter to be the first to know when I do something like this again!

Record a prayer to send out into the world on the winter solstice.

Submissions will close at 11:59pm PST on Jan. 1st. Prayers will be stitched together and streamed on this website as well as posted (anonymously) to social media.

• Take a moment to settle into your body.
• Give your heart some time to speak to you.
• When you're ready, click "Start recording" below.

You will be asked permission to use your microphone. Once you allow it, your recording will begin. The maximum amount of time allowed is 90 seconds. Email address is required, but you won't be added to any lists. If you do want me to tag you on socials, enter your usernames in the optional Name field once you've recorded your prayer. You will have the chance to listen & re-record.